Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 months of work...2 weeks of preparation.... 20 min of packing (damn i forgot my toothbrush)...36 hours of travel and finally here we are! The main hall at the Jawahralal Nehru museum. last evening sped past in connecting and re-connecting people and faces whom we had only seen online or read the results of! Lots of suprises sprung up! like for example for some people actually thought i was a girl! You can imagine thier forlorn faces when i introduced myself.
well the die is cast now! we all are grinning away and fiddling with our brand nw netbooks! ( which btw i am calling a thightop.. i got mine well balanced)

well for now i am taking a break to acquaint myself with a new friend!
catch you in some time!

1 comment:

  1. it just proves tht u scientists are all a geeky lot. Ms Berty Ashley... the feelings the name evokes isnt quite the same as some other name (say belinda ashley) evokes. enjoy the company !
